what am i doing

may 23, 2024

i made this site originally over a year ago and i haven't updated it since. i did make the code for some parts of the site later last year, but i didn't update the actual site. last summer was exhausting for me (i was super overworked and broke) but this past winter and spring has actually been really nice. earlier in the year i wrote a few songs, i'm hoping to record some of them over the summer. then i got super busy with school, i actually got my bachelor's degree! i'm starting my master's so i'm not done with school yet, but it was nice to accomplish something.

i haven't really done anything creative for a while and it's bothering me. i can feel this itch but at the same time i don't do anything about it. i guess i'm just lazy or something, i just sit on the couch and scroll on my phone. it's miserable actually but i can't get myself to stop. that's really my main problem right now. there's so many things i want to do but i can't get myself to do them. i think i need some boundaries or something. creativity doesn't happen in total freedom so i need to limit myself. definitely gotta get off social media, the way i'm using it most of the time, is just a waste of time.

i don't know what the point of this post is. i'm just writing shit down and hoping it means something. i guess i'm trying to say that it's hard to do things. but i need to do thing. specifically create something. anything really. i'll try to update this site more often, maybe that'll scratch that itch i have. and i'll record the songs i've written so that i can post them here. and go through my old poems and find some i can put here. that sounds like a plan, eh? i'm going backpacking in june and i'll try to write some poems or something while i'm gone. then i'll have things to put here. see ya (hopefully) soon!

sending vibez,

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